IFTDSS Release Notes (May 2017 - February 2025)
Patched - 5 February 2025
Updates to improve the appearance of summary reports for Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment and Development Treatment Alternatives.
For FTEM, fixes a bug that was causing the Complete Wildfire Monitoring modal to appear empty.
Patched - 21 January 2025
Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layers – LANDFIRE Data Products to the 2023 versions for CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Fixes bugs in the Develop Treatment Alternatives reports that were causing the tables and graphs to be labeled inaccurately.
Fixes a bug that prevented the Auto97th Landscape Summary from refreshing its status correctly when run with large landscapes that required resampling.
Fixes a bug that prevented Bookmarks from being created if they contained more than one IFTDSS Reference Layer from “Disturbance History -Historic Fuels Treatments.”
Resizes the planning cycle icon for improved display when using the IFTDSS Planning Cycle.
Corrects an error message that appears in Compare Weather when no data is selected from a given model so that it accurately reflects the correct model type.
Patched - 11 December 2024
Adds LANDFIRE version 2023 landscapes for the Eastern United States and Hawaii.
Updates FTEM Treatments with Interior Fuels and Post-fire Reporting System (IFPRS) data.
Removes LANDFIRE 2014 from the landscape creation options in the Landscape Tools widget.
IFTDSS Reference Layers for EVC, EVT, and EVH layers temporarily pull from LANDFIRE 2020 until LANDFIRE 2022 layers come back online.
Updates IFTDSS Reference Layers for USFS and BLM campgrounds.
Fixes a bug that displayed elevation in meters in the User Created Edit Rules interface.
Fixes a bug that was preventing the re-use of ignitions in Landscape Burn Probability model runs among landscapes of the same landscape family.
Fixes a bug that prevented Auto97th Landscape Summaries from correctly refreshing status for large areas that require resampling.
FTEM: Fixes a bug that was preventing a user's role from being updated by an administrator.
Version 3.11 - 20 November 2024
- Updates the Angular web framework for IFTDSS. Files, content, and functionality are all unchanged, however there will be minor differences in the appearance of IFTDSS.
- Corrects the slope labels in the editing interface to reflect the fact that slope is measured in degrees rather than percent when making edits in IFTDSS.
Patched 6 November 2024
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer for Disturbance History - Historic Wildfire Perimeters for 2024.
Patched 16 October 2024
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer for Natural and Cultural Resources – Air Quality.
- For FTEM, fixes a bug that was preventing new USFS users from automatically being granted the role of editor when requested.
- For FTEM, fixes a bug that was causing a 404 error message to appear after logging out of FTEM.
Patched 25 September 2024
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer for Special Designated Areas – Recreation Trails to display two layers:
- National Recreation Trailheads
- Recreational Trails - USGS
- Adds FTEM Dashboard to the top navigation of all FTEM pages.
Patched 4 September 2024
Fixed a bug that was preventing model runs from successfully completing when fuel moisture conditioning was applied to large landscapes over 12 million acres in size.
Updates IFTDSS Reference Layers for the following:
National Recreation Trailheads
National Scenic Byways
For FTEM, fixed a bug that was preventing some agency administrators from receiving notification emails when users in their region requested the role of editor.
Patched 14 August 2024
Security enhancements in compliance with federal security standards.
Patched 24 July 2024
Adds LANDFIRE 2023 data for the Northwestern United States.
Updates IFTDSS Reference Layers for the following:
Inventoried Roadless Areas
Wilderness Study Areas
Estimated Ground Evacuation Time
Wilderness Areas
National Recreation Areas
Patched 3 July 2024
Service links for the following IFTDSS References Layers have been updated:
Infrastructure – Facilities - USFS Buildings
Infrastructure – Communication - Communication Towers
Infrastructure – Energy - Oil/Gas Pipelines
Natural and Cultural Resources - Critical Habitat (Polygons)
Natural and Cultural Resources - Critical Habitat (Line)
National Designated Areas - National Historic Trails
National Designated Areas - National Scenic Trails
Patched 12 June 2024
Adds LANDFIRE 2023 data for the southwest United States.
Patched 22 May 2024
- Adds LANDFIRE 2023 landscapes for Alaska.
- Fixes a bug in Map Values that prevented the area of interest from displaying in the map view if ‘Area of Interest’ was used to define the geographic extent.
- For FTEM, numerous false positives (incidents listed as wildfires that were not wildfires) that were pulled from systems of record have been located and removed from the system.
Patched 1 May 2024
- In FTEM, for the "Fuel model and percent area" optional question, the appearance of the fuel model labels has been updated so all labels display consistently ('1. fuel model, 2. fuel model...' now replaces the older 'fuel model 1, fuel model 2...' labeling that was used for parts of that question).
Patched 11 April 2024
- Notes can now be added to landscapes uploaded and created in IFTDSS after April 11. Notes may be viewed in the right-hand metadata panel in My Workspace by selecting a landscape.
- Updates service links for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- Boundaries: TNC Lands
- Boundaries - Federal Admin Areas: Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACCs)
- Improves messaging to better inform users when the Fire Modeling Services Framework is experiencing an outage.
- Fixes a bug that prevented the successful completion of Auto-97th Landscape Summary Reports in coastal regions.
- Fixes a bug that prevented the upload of shapefiles back-to-back in the same session.
- In FTEM, improves messaging to inform Department of the Interior users that some treatments may not be visible in FTEM until later in the Spring due to system of record updates.
- In FTEM, fixes a but that was preventing responses for the following monitoring question from being displayed when an Administrator requested a Completed Wildfire Monitoring data report: "How did the treatment contribute to the control of the fire?"
Patched 20 March 2024
- Fixes a bug that prevented Landscape Burn Probability modeling for uploaded landscapes with a resolution less than 30 meters.
- Updates the upload criteria to allow landscapes with aspect values that range from -1 to 360.
- Adds notifications for Landscape Summary Auto97th reports to inform users that extents outside of the contiguous United States and Alaska are not currently supported.
- In FTEM, fixes a broken link for the Account Management button on the FTEM page.
Patched 28 February 2024
- Adds new Zoom widgets to Map Studio to zoom to a rectangle drawn on the map and return to previous views.
- Breaks up the following layer by years: Disturbance History – Historic Fuels Treatments.
Patched 9 February 2024
- Adds the capability to upload landscapes to IFTDSS from the Map Studio Landscape Tools widget.
- In IFTDSS Reference Layers > Special Designated Areas:
- Adds a new layer “National Wild and Scenic Rivers.”
- Updates the service for “Other Designated Areas.”
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that prevented access to FFI-DataDepot.
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that prevented the upload of shapefiles when file names included multiple “.”
- In FTEM, moves FTEM_GP services to ArcPro.
Patched 17 January 2024
- Updates for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- Boundaries > Counties.
- Natural and Cultural Resources – Air Quality > Class I Areas.
- LANDFIRE Data Products.
- Fixed a bug that was redirecting users to the IFTDSS landing page rather than the account selection page after they authenticated in Login.gov or eAuthentication.
- For FTEM, updates business rules for new USFS users so that they are automatically granted the role of Editor.
Patched 28 December 2023
- Adds linkage to FFI-DataDepot in the Monitoring stage of the Planning Cycle.
- Adds LANDFIRE 2022 landscapes for Hawaii.
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer for TNC Lands.
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that was preventing FFI-DataDepot access for users with upper-case characters in their email address.
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that was preventing account creation for users with apostrophes in their email address.
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that was preventing some users from logging into the application because their account appeared in multiple login sessions in the database.
- Fixes a bug in IFTDSS that was causing some Fire Behavior (Basic) summary reports to fail when summaries were requested at the same time for the same landscape but with different areas of interest.
- Fixes a bug in FTEM that was preventing administrators from granting access when the error message “Failed to grant access. Error: Error updatePrivileges: Problem insertUser…” appeared.
Fire Modeling Services Calculation Update 14 December 2023
- The Fire Modeling Services Framework, which provides modeling for IFTDSS, implemented updates on 14 December to match those made to FlamMap Desktop 6.2 on November 14th. IFTDSS users may notice minor differences to fire behavior outputs compared to outputs calculated before the update. This applies to Fire Behavior (Basic), MTT Fire Spread, and Landscape Burn Probability models. Details of those changes are available in FlamMap's Nov. 2023 Changelog.
Patched 6 December 2023
- Security enhancements in compliance with federal security standards.
Patched 15 November 2023
- Adds LANDFIRE 2022 landscapes for the eastern United States providing full coverage in the conterminous US and Alaska.
Patched 25 October 2023
- Fixes a bug that prevents images from appearing in summary reports if the same landscape is used to run two reports concurrently with different areas of interest.
- For FTEM, the account request process has been amended so that requests may only be made for one agency at a time, and the justification field has been limited to a maximum of 250 characters.
- For FTEM, fixes a bug on the “request roles” page that caused text to overlap other parts of the page when viewed on small screens.
Patched 4 October 2023
Fixes a bug in Map Values that prevented the map from zooming to the geographic extent of the HVRA-Set when that set is edited or copied.
Fixes a bug that was causing the “session expired” message to appear before the time limit is reached.
In FTEM, updates were made to the notification rules to reduce the number of edit role requests from external agencies received by administrators.
Patched 13 September 2023
Updates to IFTDSS Workspace allow users to download resources that have a "%" in the file name.
Fixes a bug that caused a Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment failure if the user downloaded and re-uploaded a Relative Importance/Response Function spreadsheet that contains HVRAs or Sub-HVRAs with commas in the name.
Fixes a bug in Map Studio when creating a LANDFIRE 2022 landscape that prevented a landscape extend from being typed into the coordinate bounding box.
For FTEM, fixes a bug that caused FTEM Agency Administrators to receive Editor requests from other agencies.
For FTEM, fixes a bug so numbers no longer wrap when displayed in the “Acres” column under the “Wildfire” tab in the FTEM monitoring interface.
Patched 23 August 2023
Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer and Sub-HVRA for Sage Grouse habitat.
Migrates the Exposure, Landscape Burn Probability, and QWRA summary map exports from ArcMap to ArcPro.
Hides the Electric Sub Station Reference Layer and Sub-HVRA links until this data can be made available again to IFTDSS users.
Fixes a bug that prevents mask creation when a concurrent mask creation service is running.
Fixes a bug that was preventing the FTEM help pop-over from functioning in the FTEM monitoring interface.
Patched 2 August 2023
Adds LANDFIRE version 2022 landscapes for the Northwest United States.
Updates LANDFIRE Reference Layers in Map Studio to the 2020 version.
Updates the Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment (QWRA) spreadsheet behavior so any updates to Response Functions or Relative Importance made in the QWRA interface are also reflected in the spreadsheet download. Similarly, any updates made to the downloaded spreadsheet are reflected in the QWRA interface when the spreadsheet is uploaded back to the system.
Fixes the metadata links for the LANDFIRE Reference Layer in Map Studio.
Fixes a bug in Map Studio when pop-ups are enabled in Layer List. Long names will no longer overlap in the header when pop-ups are displayed.
Fixes the Identify widget so it returns data for landscapes that overlap the United States boundary.
Fixes a bug that prevented a mask from being created if concurrent mask creation services were already running.
Patched 12 July 2023
Adds LANDFIRE version 2022 landscapes for Alaska.
Makes the “Save the shapefile to my workspace” option checked by default in the Upload Shapefile widget in Map Studio.
Adds a "cancel" option to the Upload Shapefile widget in Map Studio.
Improves the resolution of Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) Summary reports.
Fixes a bug in Quantitative Wildfire Risk Analysis (QWRA) where copying a run and selecting a different Exposure Analysis input did not update the Exposure Analysis when the QWRA runs.
Fixes a bug in Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) where submitting two or more Landscape Fire Behavior reports with different areas of interest for the same landscape results in a failure.
In FTEM, fixes a bug that prevented the status and interactions from displaying when a user's agency is set to "Other" in their profile.
In FTEM, fixes a bug in which the FTEM page initializes with wrong status and wrong interaction count for the agency at the top of the page.
Patched 21 June 2023
- Adds new IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) under Unit Fire Planning
- Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) under Weather and Climate
- USA Drought Intensity-Current Conditions under Weather and Climate
- Fixed a bug that was preventing shaded relief from being displayed correctly in Landscape Summary reports when an area of interest was used.
Version 3.10 - 31 May 2023
- Adds LANDFIRE Version 2022 landscapes for the Southwest United States.
- Updates for IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- USFS Admin Boundaries have improved symbology to improve visibility.
- Snag Hazard reference layer has an improved metadata page.
- Fixes a bug that was preventing FTEM Agency Administrators from downloading the back Geodatabase.
- Fixes a bug that prevented a ‘fail’ message from appearing when Exposure Analysis runs were stuck in the queue.
Patched 10 May 2023
- Added a zoomed option for the Jurisdictional Agency boundary in IFTDSS Reference Layers.
- Added a new IFTDSS Reference Layer section, “Unit Fire Planning” with new layers:
- Firesheds
- Priority Landscapes
- Migrated services from ArcMap to ArcPro for both IFTDSS and FTEM.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some HVRA layer details from populating in the Identify widget in Map Studio.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Develop Treatment Alternative runs to fail if landscape names contained too many characters.
- Fixed a bug in Landscape Burn Probability that was preventing the re-use of ignitions from prior runs.
- Fixed a bug where bar and pie charts were blank in PDF reports.
- For FTEM, upgraded the system. All features and data remain unchanged but users will notice a slightly different appearance throughout.
Patched 19 April 2023
- Updates the Potential Control Locations IFTDSS Reference Layer.
- Updates the Suppression Difficulty Index IFTDSS Reference Layer.
- Fixes a bug that was causing some Quantitative Wildland Fire Risk reports to fail.
- Fixes a bug that caused Develop Treatment Alternative runs to fail if input names were too long.
- Fixes a bug in Map Studio Layer List the prevented the "Turn all layers off" option from turning off all layers.
- For FTEM, fixes a bug that affected zooming and selecting fields in the attribute table of FTEM treatment polygons.
Patched 29 March 2023
- Adds a Map Bookmark widget in the top right of Map Studio to save a collection of map view extents and layers (model outputs, shapes, etc.) so you can quickly return to them later.
- Updates the following IFTDSS Reference Layers for Fire Environmental Safety:
- Potential Control Locations
- Snag Hazard
- Updates the link to the 2023 Interagency Fire Perimeters.
- Fixes a bug that prevented the Map Studio widgets from displaying correctly along the bottom of Map Studio when viewed on smaller screens.
Patched 8 March 2023
- Updates the IFTDSS sub-HVRA layer for Sage Grouse habitat.
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference layer for National Park Service Buildings.
- Fixes a bug that allowed summary tables to flow off the page in PDF format when long resource names were used.
Patched 15 February 2023
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layers for 2022 and 2023 Historic Wildfire Perimeters.
- Fixes a bug which caused PDF tables to spill off the page in some summary reports.
- For FTEM, renames the IFTDSS Reference Layer data "Help" option to "Metadata" in Layer List.
Patched 1 February 2023
- Removes the login modal that appears after clicking "Login" in the top right of the IFTDSS home page. Users are redirected to Wildland Fire Application Portal immediately after clicking "Login."
- Improves response time for generating summary reports.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that was causing the map images that appeared in some Individual Wildfire reports to be blurred or lack a border.
- Allows FTEM Agency Administrators to receive requests from regions outside their own upon request.
Patched 11 January 2023
- Users may re-enable their own account after passing an eAuthentication or Logiv.gov credential check.
- Adds a metadata link to the Historic Fuel Treatments IFTDSS Reference Layer when displayed in the Layer List.
- Updates metadata links for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- Electric Sub Stations
- Power Plants
- Transmission Lines
- In FTEM, several non-wildfire "incidents" were removed from the wildfire list.
Patched 14 December 2022
- URLs for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers have been updated:
- Disturbance History - Historic Fuel Treatment Polygons 2000- current
- Infrastructure - Energy - Power Plants
- Infrastructure - Energy - Electric Sub Stations
- Multiple summary reports can now be opened and viewed in browser tabs.
- Fixes a bug that was preventing new users from using the FTEM option in the top navigation menu to request a new FTEM account.
- Updates the messaging that appears if an Exposure Analysis fails.
Version 3.9 – 23 November 2022
- When viewing Auto97th models details in My Workspace and Modeling Playground, RAWS station names are now visible in the right-hand panel.
- Restores the 72-hour window to access an IFTDSS account after the account has been re-enabled.
- A more detailed notification will appear in the Editing interface if users attempt to use Default Fuels Treatment Disturbance Edit Rules with unsupported landscapes.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some MTT Fire Spread and Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment reports from downloading.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of compare resources when their parent resampled landscape was deleted by the user.
Version 3.8 – 2 November 2022
- IFTDSS summary reports now have a “Full report” option in the left-hand table of contents to view and save the full report more easily.
- IFTDSS summary reports now show areas of interest centered in the report for landscapes of all sizes.
- In Map Studio, deleted shapes no longer linger in the Shapes section of the Layer List.
- In Compare Weather, shapes created or uploaded during a session now become available in the Zoom to/Add AOI pick list without having to leave the session.
- In My Workspace, newly created folders are alphabetized in the folder list.
- Fixed a bug that referred to the username as “null” in some system-generated emails.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Conditioning Start" field from displaying properly when PDF summary reports were downloaded.
- Fixed a bug that allowed long file names to spill over in the right-hand panel.
- For FTEM, treatment data has been reloaded.
Version 3.7 – 12 October 2022
- Adds secure login with multifactor authentication. Logging into IFTDSS and FTEM will now be redirected through eAuthentication or Login.gov. Accounts and account contents are unchanged.
- Fixes a bug in Exposure Analysis that prevented HVRA sets from being available in the menu if their geospatial extent fell within the state of Alaska and encompassed a large area (typically over 3.5 million acres).
- Fixes a bug affecting the Create/Edit Shapes widget in Map Studio which would fail to create a shape if the user gave it a long name (at, or close to, the maximum character limit).
- Adds a text file to MTT Fire Spread and Landscape Burn Probability downloads that lists the inputs used when IFTDSS requests modeling runs from the Fire Modeling Services Framework (FMSF).
Version 3.6 – 28 September 2022
- New IFTDSS Reference Layers have been added to the “Federal Admin Areas” and “Fire Environment and Safety” lists. These include:
- Geographic Areas (GACCs)
- Estimated Ground Evacuation Time
- Potential Control Locations
- Snag Hazard
- Suppression Difficulty Index 97th (SDI)
- Service and metadata links for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers have been updated:
- Boundaries: TNC Lands
- Boundaries – Federal Admin Areas: DOI Unified Regions
- Infrastructure – Facilities: NPS Buildings
- Natural and Cultural Resources – Air Quality: Class I Airsheds
- Natural and Cultural Resources – Air Quality: NAA Ozone
- Natural and Cultural Resources – Air Quality: NAA Particles
- Fixed a bug that affected the viewing of IFTDSS Auto97th Summary Reports in the web browser. Clicking on the “All Model” filter now displays all model outputs, not just model parameters.
- Fixed a bug that allowed IFTDSS-generated download files to contain special characters if they were included in the original file name. IFTDSS now removes those characters when you download the file to your local machine to avoid errors.
- Fixed a bug that turned off the Landscape Burn Probability Layer in Layer List when a mask is applied during a Compare Weather session.
Version 3.5 – 14 September 2022
- Increases the maximum landscape size from 3.5 million to 12 million acres.
- Fixes a bug which prevented PDF versions of Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment and Exposure Analysis reports from downloading with a ".pdf" file extension if the run name contained a “.”
- Resampling in IFTDSS when running Landscape Fire Behavior is now set to occur if a landscape exceeds 20 million pixels in size.
- Includes backend enhancements to the IFTDSS system which will facilitate the creation and modeling of larger landscapes. There are no visible changes yet in the user interface.
Version 3.4.11 - 31 August 2022
- Resampling in IFTDSS now occurs for all model types at various breakpoints, 1.5 million pixels for Landscape Burn Probability, 18 million pixels for MTT Fire Spread, and 54 million pixels (pending testing) for Landscape Fire Behavior.
- In My Workspace, the number of pixels in a landscape (including the buffer) can now be viewed in the right-hand panel by selecting the landscape and hovering the mouse over “Acres (buffered)” in the right-hand panel.
- Fixes a bug that was allowing very long landscape names to overlap the right border of the drop-down menu.
- Fixes a bug that was causing a mismatch between resolutions for resampled landscapes when the resolution was displayed in different parts of the interface.
- Fixed a bug to ensure multiple users can submit and successfully run large landscapes in fire behavior models.
Version 3.4.10 - 17 August 2022
- A new “Change Symbology” option has been added to the Map Studio Layer List for shapes and shapefiles. This includes the ability to use a hollow fill to better visualize model outputs within the shape. Custom symbology for shapes will persist.
- LANDFIRE 2020 landscapes are now available in Landscape Creation picklists throughout IFTDSS.
- Run resolution is now included in the model parameters section of all model output reports and Auto97th reports.
- Improves the warning that appears when attempting to use a duplicate Primary HVRA short name when using Map Values.
- Fixes a bug that was preventing MTT Fire Spread reports from downloading properly if the run name included a “.”
- In FTEM, fixes a bug that was generating duplicate wildfire polygons during the nightly data pull.
Version 3.4.9 - 3 August 2022
- Updates the IFTDSS Reference Layer "Disturbance History>Historic Wildfire Perimeters" symbology and metadata links.
- Fixes a bug that prevented landscapes or shapes with a " ' " in their name from being generated.
- Fixes a styling issue in Compare Weather that was causing the "Save" button to overalp into and "name" field.
- Fixes a bug that caused resampling to sometimes fail to resample in the correct resolution.
Version 3.4.8 - 13 July 2022
- The IFTDSS Reference Layer "Disturbance History>Historic Wildfire Perimeters" has been updated.
- Resampled landscapes created during Landscape Burn Probability runs can now be inspected in Map Studio.
- Resampled landscapes now include the resolution ("-XX m") suffix to their name when their metadata is displayed in the right-hand panel.
- The resolution is listed in the My Workspace right-hand panel for all compare report types.
- The resolution is appended to all report type names.
- Fixes a bug that was counting unsubmitted Landscape Fire Behavior runs against the maximum run limit.
- Fixes a bug that was preventing the completion of new user registrations and account re-enabling.
Version 3.4.7 - 30 June 2022
- Updates the following IFTDSS Reference Layers:
- Infrastructure – Facilities: BLM Buildings.
- Infrastructure – Facilities: Campgrounds (BLM and USFS).
- Designated Areas – BLM: BLM Grazing Allotments.
- Designated Areas – BLM: Horse and Burro Areas.
- Natural and Cultural Resources: Sage Grouse.
- Fixes a bug that was counting the Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment runs against the user's maximum number of runs before the run was submitted.
- Fixes a bug that was causing the text to spill out of the modal box that appears when users download a file from IFTDSS.
- Fixes a bug that allowed user access to IFTDSS through the use of session manipulation.
Version 3.4.6 - 15 June 2022
- Updates URLs and symbology for the following IFTDSS Reference Layers: "Electric Sub Stations" and "Power Plants."
- Fixes a bug that prevented the Barrier picklist in the MTT Fire Spread model interface from being left-justfied.
- Fixes a bug that was causing some Landscape Fire Behavior model run failures.
Version 3.4.5 - 1 June 2022
- Adds full coverage (continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii) for LANDFIRE landscape versions 2012, 2014, and 2016.
- Inverts symbology for Aspect when landscapes are displayed in Map Studio.
- Connects a new Fuels Treatment Integration Service.
- Improves performance when uploading a shapefile in IFTDSS.
- Fixes a bug in which landscape lists in Map Studio were case-sensitive (upper-case names were listed alphabetically followed by lower case names alphabetically).
- Fixes a bug that was preventing a selected landscape from displaying in the map view while using the landscape editing interface.
- Enhances security.
Version 3.4.4 - 18 May 2022
- For FTEM, the system has been connected to a new Fuels Treatment Integration Service.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that was preventing all the states from appearing in the drop-down list when users request a State Summary Report.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that was preventing some uploaded wildfires from updating their status to "Complete" when the monitoring data was submitted via batch monitoring.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that was preventing the "Region" field from displaying in the Userlist accessible to administrators.
Version 3.4.3 - 4 May 2022
- Makes the message when deleting files in IFTDSS Playground match that of Workspace.
- Updates links and messaging in IFTDSS account emails.
- For FTEM administrators, the filters for the FTEM Userlist have been updated to be easier to read and use.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that affected the Audit Date sorting when working with the FTEM audit log.
- For FTEM, fixed a bug that prevented some Completed wildfires from being amended if they were uploaded to FTEM by batch spreadsheet.
Version 3.4.2 - 20 April 2022
- For FTEM, batch monitoring has been implemented so users may populate and upload a spreadsheet for bulk data entry on multiple treatments and multiple fires.
- For FTEM, additional improvements were made to the user interface making it easier to select and generate summary reports.
- For FTEM, added the ability for users can change their Region in their FTEM Profile.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some exposure runs that were submitted concurrently to fail.
- Fixed a bug that was prompting users to enter a username and password to view the Power Plants IFTDSS Reference Layer in Map Studio.
Version - 6 April 2022
- Security upgrades to IFTDSS.
- For FTEM, an improved menu to select summary reports has replaced the old menu.
- For FTEM, updates were made to the nightly utility to address IRWIN changes.
Version - 23 March 2022
- In FTEM Monitoring, Treatments in the Treatment Tab are now sorted by treatment name.
- For FTEM Administrators, new FTEM account request emails now include the users preferred Region.
- For FTEM Administrators, in the FTEM Userlist the "Grant Admin Role" button has been renamed "Grant FTEM Admin."
- Improved loading times for IFTDSS and FTEM.
Version - 9 March 2022
- The IFTDSS Reference Layer "Electric Sub Stations" data url was updated to maintain access in Map Studio.
Version - 23 February 2022
- For IFTDSS, security work continued. Scanning the code before building the war files.
- For FTEM, work continued on FTEM download/upload enhancements.
Version - 9 February 2022
- For FTEM users, file naming when downloading reports has been improved to more easily recognize which type of report or summary was downloaded. This improvement applies to: Current Treatment Status Summary, Completed Wildfire Monitoring Data, Current Wildfire Status Summary, Fire Table Summaries, and Fire Audit Logs.
Version - 26 January 2022
- Improves the wording for buttons used when an IFTDSS Administrator re-enables a user's account.
- For FTEM: Improves the wording for buttons and modal box titles for FTEM administration tasks.
Version - 12 January 2022
- Fixed a bug which caused deleted landscapes to block the work request queue.
- Updated the log4j library and fixed security issues.
- Updated links for three IFTDSS Reference Layers: Electric Substations, Power Plants, and Transmission Lines.
Version - 10-16 December 2021
- IFTDSS is now running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. User accounts are unchanged (same user interface, password, data, imports, model runs, etc.)
- For FTEM, wildfire data has been updated to remove any incidents listed in the system that were not truly "wildfires."
Version - 1 November 2021
- Removed the BLM Buildings reference layer from IFTDSS Reference Layers and Highly Values Resources and Assets (HVRAs). Exposure Analysis and Risk Assessments completed prior to the removal were not affected.
- Fixed a bug that affected Landscape Burn Probability (LBP) symbology for "Lower" burn probability pixels. The fix changed the dark green color of the pixels back to their intended lighter green color.
- Fixed a bug that allowed breadcrumbs to overlap and hide part of the Help drop-down menu on some split-map displays.
- For FTEM, cleaned up treatment data using a better geodatabase source.
- For FTEM, improved the Treatment Status Report CSV by adding column “SUID (USFS only).”
Patched 3 September 2021
- Updated the wildland fire perimeter reference layers through 2021.
Version - 20 August 2021
- Fixed synching of Layer List with thumbnail selected on the map for Compare Weather.
- Fixed gridlines appearing where they should not on the Compare Weather map.
- Fixed the map thumbnail appearing where it shouldn’t on the Compare Weather View Input pop-up dialog.
- Fixed a problem where users could not download Report PDFs when the model run had a long name (38 characters) without spaces.
- For FTEM, uploaded a new version of legacy FACTS point data.
Version 3.4.1 - 15 June 2021
- Fixed problem where maximum Burn Probability is not set when copying or editing a Compare Weather LBP resource.
- Corrected FTEM code from the nightly utility to use "poly_datecurrent" instead of "poly_polygondatetime" for the wildfire perimeter date.
Version 3.4 - 1 April 2021
- Added a Compare Weather feature for users to compare weather in model outputs.
- Added placeholders for additional comparison features have been added to the planning cycle.
- Implemented 70-character limits throughout the application when naming new resources.
- The name field is now pre-populated with the source name and “ - COPY”, when the user copies HVRA Sets, Risk Assessments, and Model Runs.
- Implemented a better error message to the user when the email service is down.
- Fixed a problem where AOI and Mask shapes are not drawing on the map after being selected in the drop-down list on the Edit Landscape form.
- Upgraded the ArcGIS JavaScript libraries.
- Updated the Jurisdictional and Responsible Agency reference layers to use layers from NIFC.org
- Added a message at the top of the Run Model page when users copy runs. It tells the user which run they copied.
- Fixed incorrect conditioning dates for the "Central Nevada High Valleys" pyrome that were causing runs to fail.
- Added a delay to fire behavior model post-processing so that zip files could complete. This fix prevents run failures.
- Fixed delays in displaying a confirmation message when user initiates a model run.
- Fixed problem with re-sampled landscapes not listed in the delete dependencies tree. Re-sampled landscapes were being left behind, un-deleted.
- Fixed missing icons for Risk and Exposure in the delete dependency dialog.
Version 3.3.2 - 18 February 2021
- Users can now move file(s) to a different folder in My Workspace.
- Users can rename folders in My Workspace.
- Map Studio Data sources and metadata for IFTDSS Reference Layers have been updated for: BIA Admin Boundaries, BLM Admin Boundaries, County Boundaries, Electric Sub-Station, NPS Admin Boundaries, Power Plants, Transmission Lines, USFS Admin Boundaries, and USFWS Admin Boundaries.
- Fixed a bug which caused some downloaded shapes to not contain a .shp file on the first try, right after they are created. Adjusted download timing for network issues.
- For FTEM Users, adjusted data pull to include “proposed” wildfire perimeters in the wildfire list.
- For FTEM Users, updated the FTEM treatment list to correct omissions caused by FME server failures.
- For FTEM Users, changed the title of the “Treatment Status” column to “Treatment FTEM Monitoring Status” on the “Current Treatment Status Summary” FTEM report.
Version 3.3.1 - 7 January 2021
- Download shapes and shapfiles from IFTDSS which were created on or after 7 January 2021.
- Improved the FTEM wildfire retrieval times by over 50%.
- Removed the "Historic Fuel Treatment Polygons" layer from FTEM.
- Cleaned up the FTEM wildfires list to remove some incidents which were not wildfires.
Version 3.3 - 4 December 2020
- Minimum Travel Time Fire Spread (MTT Fire Spread) is now available to be run from Modeling Playground.
- Users can download MTT Fire Spread outputs or generate MTT Fire Spread reports.
- Renames the “Landscape Fire Behavior” to “Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic)” so the model is more recognizable to WFDSS users.
- Enhancements to the IFTDSS system to improve system memory use.
- Fixed various errors being encountered while deleting runs and reports.
Patched 30 October 2020
- Fixed a bug to ensure password changes made without logging in are counted as account activity.
- Fixed a bug encountered by some iOS users which prevented the "Use Ignitions From a Completed Run" menu from populating when copying a Landscape Burn Probability run.
- Fixed a bug in which some model inputs were un-selected or left blank when copying a model run.
Patched 16 October 2020
- Added “Historic Fuel Treatment Polygons 2000 – current” IFTDSS Reference Layer to the Disturbance History section of the Add Layers widget in Map Studio. The new layer represents completed treatments from FACTS and NFPORS.
- Removed “Historic Fuel Treatment Polygons”, “FTEM Treatment Points”, and “FTEM Treatment Polygons” IFTDSS Reference Layers from the Add Layers widget in IFTDSS Map Studio. These are now replaced by the “Historic Fuel Treatment Polygons 2000 – current” layer. FTEM Treatment point and polygon layers remain available in the FTEM user interface.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the output resolution from being appended to model run names using re-sampled landscapes in the Playground list. For example, a model run performed with a 60-meter landscape will now be displayed in Playground with a name ending in “-60m”, to denote the output has a resolution of 60 meters.
- Fixed a bug in FTEM which prevented Agency Viewers from accessing FTEM Reports.
Patched 18 September 2020
- Fixed a bug which was preventing some QWRA reports from downloading.
- Fixed a bug which resulted in the editing cursor to remain present in Map Studio after a user closed the Create/Edit Shape widget.
Version - 10 September 2020
- Adds the ability to create summary reports for Risk Assessment results.
- Improves menu readability in My Workspace.
Version 3.2.2 - 15 July 2020
- Users may now conduct a Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment (QWRA) from the Strategic Planning stage of the IFTDSS Planning Cycle.
- QWRA Outputs may be download from My Workspace.
Patched 9 June 2020
- Updated Burn Severity (MTBS) map layers in Map Studio.
- “Playground” is now the default folder to save new landscapes created with the “Create Here” button, unless the user specifies a different folder.
- In Map Studio, the “My Location” button has been removed.
- Fixed a bug which caused some FTEM Agency Summary Reports to produce report values exceeding 100%.
- Fixed the IFTDSS Help Tour option so that inactive model inputs are included in the tour.
- Fixed a bug which caused the “Ignition” field of copied LBP runs to default to the “Use ignitions from a completed run” option.
- Fixed a bug to prevent decimal places for model inputs that require whole numbers successful run completion.
- Cleaned up Breadcrumbs for IFTDSS pages.
- Modified FTEM to reduce duplicate wildfire polygons by filtering for non-quarantined fires.
- Removed unnecessary menu items and breadcrumbs from Exposure Reports.
- Removed GeoMac “Active” and “Inactive” fire perimeter layers in Map Studio.
- Removed premature error messages of wind speed/direction and fuel moistures on the Run Model.
Patched 26 April 2020
- Users now see their percent of allocated storage displayed in IFTDSS My Workspace.
- In FTEM. a new “DOI-OWF” option has been added to the registration page.
- In FTEM. the geospatial data download format has been improved.
- In FTEM, wildfire data has been manually cleaned up to remove erroneous “Step-up/ABC Misc/Severity” wildfires. Additionally, 198 treatment units without a name have been fixed.
- In FTEM. the LANDFIRE Reference layers have been removed from the Layer List in the map view.
- In FTEM, the Regional Summary Report file label has been corrected.
- In FTEM, fixed the -1 displayed for Year when ALL is selected for agency in FTEM Agency Summary Report. Also fixed the false error displayed when requesting this report.
Patched 20 March
- Fixed a warning when Auto-97th reports are deleted in IFTDSS.
- Removed the “Create Here” landscape creation option from Develop Treatment Alternatives because split-map is available.
- Fixed a bug which caused 2014 and 2016 landscapes to display in the right hand panel as 20212 landscapes.
- Added a “DOI Unified Regions” layer to IFTDSS and FTEM maps.
- In FTEM, added a “Calculate” button next to Interaction Acres in FTEM Monitoring.
- In FTEM, “Start date” has been replaced by “Discovery date” when checking for fire/treatment updates.
- In FTEM, adds a Current FTEM Wildfire Status Summary Report option.
Version 3.2.1 - 6 March 2020
- Exposure Analysis functionality has been added so Users can summarize Landscape Burn Probability Outputs across HVRA-Sets
- When running Landscape Burn Probability (LBP), Users can now choose to either use random ignitions, or to use ignitions from a completed LBP run if one exists for the given landscape extent.
Patched 29 January 2020
- Adds LANDFIRE 2016 Remap landscape option when users create a new landscape. LANDFIRE 2016 Remap landscapes in IFTDSS are currently limited to the western half of CONUS.
Patched 22 November 2019
- Users can now create a new folder in the Workspace while they are in any folder.
Version - 2 October 2019
- Map Values functionality added so Users can create an integrated spatial layer of Highly Valued Resources or Assets to overlay with model outputs in Map Studio.
- Map Values phase of Risk Assessment released under the "Strategic Planning" stage of the Planning Cycle.
- HVRA National Layers have been added to IFTDSS.
- Updated FTEM to prevent a new report browser tab from being opened if there is no report data to display.
Patched 9 September 2019
- Users can filter files by name in the "Add Layers", "Landscape Tools", and "Simulation Output Tools" widgets in Map Studio.
- Fuel Moisture input fields for 1,10, and 100 hour fuels has been capped at 40% for all fire behavior modeling.
- Placeholder task cards added to the "Strategic Planning" stage of the Planning Cycle
- Internal updates for facilitate Map Values functionality
- Added a search box for administrators working in the FTEM User List.
- Added “Filter By Type” to the Add Layers widget in Map Studio.
- Added "model type" to the headings in IFTDSS generated reports.
- Added option for FTEM Administrators to download FTEM database backups from a new FTEM Administration page.
- Long names in drop-down lists now appear when hovering over text for those items.
- My Workspace now shows all content when it is first opened.
- Fixed a bug that caused an empty pop-up window to appear in Map Studio when using the Apply Mask option in the Layer List.
- Fixed a bug that caused negative numbers in the FTEM state-level summary reports.
Patched 2 August 2019
- Fixed a bug which caused the treatment completion dates in the FTEM Treatment tab right hand panel to be one day off from the attribute table shown on the map.
- Fixed a bug which omitted the landscape resolution from Auto 97th model reports.
- Fixed a bug where Auto97th Landscape Fire Behaviors with masks after June 24th 2019 had duplicate output layers in the Map Studio Layer List.
- Fixed a labeling discrepancy between the Layer List and Identify widget for Fuel Model 13 features when viewed in Map Studio.
Version 3.2.0 - 19 July 2019
- Adds Landscape Burn Probability (LBP) model to Modeling Playground.
- Adds the option to create a summary report or download packages for LBP model outputs.
- Updates Help Center content to document the new LBP model and provide information on its use and outputs.
Patched 24 June 2019
- Adds links to Help from Map Studio.
- Updates how non-burnable pixels are displayed in Map Studio when using Identify widget.
- Fixes a problem where the status of failed landscapes was shown correctly in the Map Studio
- Updates settings so landscape buffers do not count against the 3.5 million acre landscape size limit.
- Fixes a problem with FlamMap6 input files not working
Patched 6 May 2019
- Drop-down lists for landscapes, shapes, and folder are now in alphabetical order in Map Studio.
- Visually compare model output features within the same layer using the Swipe widget in Map Studio.
- Create or edit points and lines using the Create/Edit Shapes widget in Map Studio.
- Help content is now available in many Map Studio layers.
Patched 26 March 2019
- Adds masking to Map Studio, users can now apply masks to landscapes and Landscape Fire Behavior outputs in Map Studio.
- Improves the map displayed for areas of interest (AOI) in summary reports, showing only the AOI in the map when one is used to constrain the report.
- Adds the option to create points and lines when creating shapes in Map Studio.
- Adds a search field to Playground.
- Updates inset vicinity map extent in summary reports.
Patched 5-6 March 2019
- Symbology layer is included in Landscape Fire Behavior download files so users can match IFTDSS styling in ArcMap.
- Adds an "All Content" folder in Workspace to display all files.
- Adds a search tool in Workspace.
- Improves accessibility (508 compliance) on most pages.
- Adds model sub-type. This information is now displayed in Map Studio, Workspace, and Playground, and can be filtered in Workspace and Playground.
- Alphabetizes all landscape and folder names in drop-down menus.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the FTEM monitoring page to sometimes “twitch” upon resizing.
- Fixed a projection issue when running reports with an area of interest (AOI).
- Adds resampled versions of large landscapes and postfixes the new resolution to the end of the filename for resampled files.
Patched 3 December 2018
- Fixed inconsistent spatial reference naming of downloaded TIFFs.
- Added "Inactive fire perimeters" as a reference layer viewable in FTEM.
Version 3.1.1 - 25 October 2018
- Adds an Area of Interest field for all summary reports (Auto97th, Landscape, and Model Outputs).
- Adds a new wind input field in Landscape Fire Behavior modeling providing more wind direction options: "Generate Gridded Winds", "Wind Blowing Uphill", "Wind Blowing Downhill", and "Static Winds".
- Adds a new fuel moisture conditioning field in Landscape Fire Behavior modeling to condition your initial fuel moistures either using classified weather streams or your own uploaded weather inputs.
- Adds Alaska LANDFIRE 2014 LCP data for landscape creation.
- Newly created landscapes now automatically have 5 km buffer area of LCP data included around them, in preparation for future modeling applications.
- Adds a "Create Landscape" task in the "Landscape Evaluation" stage of the Planning Cycle.
- Landscape Fire Behavior download files now also include an XML file and run inputs file.
- When creating a landscape with the Landscape Tools widget, an area of interest can now be used to specify a landscape extent.
- Adds a new Pyrome layer in Map Studio Reference Layers.
- "View Input" button in Modeling Playground has been added to make it easy to view model inputs at a glance.
- Additional model run metadata is now available in the Right Hand Panel of Modeling Playground when hovering over model name.
- "Create in Map Studio" button has been removed from Modeling Playground.
- "Request a Report" button has been removed from Modeling Playground.
Patched 30 August 2018
- Buffered Landscapes - Landscapes are now shown with a blue boundary line surrounding them in Map Studio and denoted by an "NB" in the file name for "No Buffer". In the next IFTDSS version, all new landscapes will be given a 5km buffer.
Patched 7 August 2018
- New FlamMap DLLs version have been implemented in IFTDSS.
Patched 3 July 2018
- Model outputs from My Playground can now be downloaded to your local machine.
- Improved interface and notifications for IFTDSS account creation and password resets.
- Landscapes created in Map Studio now appear with a green boundary around the edge. This can be hidden by the user if they prefer.
- Bug Fix: Agency Viewers can now see FTEM Reports.
- Bug Fix: Additional updates to prevent Invalid User Session pop-ups.
Version 3.1.0 - 14 and 19 June 2018
- New Fuels Treatment Effectiveness Monitoring (FTEM) functionality has been added to IFTDSS.
- Updated Error Message: User is now notified when they try to upload a shapefile that does not define a projection.
Patched 1 June 2018
- Bug Fix: Prevents Invalid User Session pop-ups
Patched 20 April 2018
- Bug Fix: Failed landscapes never show as failed in My Workspace - they remain as "Requested"
- User sees "Building" and "Failed" as statuses for Landscapes in the workspace.
- Bug Fix: Login Session Not valid.
- Update work requests page when a request has been killed/removed.
- Send notification to remove requests from the queue.
- Bug Fix: Invalid Login Session dialog sometimes displayed after Change Password Expired.
- Extend login token (reset code) expire to 72 hrs.
- Fixed error deleting compare reports with shared landscape.
- User sees landing page with downtime details during Prod deploys.
- Sort landscape names in landscape drop down lists and map studio.
- Add text to new account emails to tell users to use Google Chrome browser.
- Update workspace resource with "Cancelled" status when work request for it has been cancelled.
- Service update - Fixed Error creating summary reports for minimal fire behavior.
Patched 23 March 2018
- Fixed incorrect acreage shown in workspace for large (3m acres) landscapes.
- Fixed elevation units on reports to be displayed as feet.
- Fixed pixel counts to add up correctly on model output reports.
- Services - Created an operational Landscape Service.
- Fixed label for Jurisdictional Agency map reference layer.
- Fixed accuracy of acreage listed for large landscapes.
- Limit landscapes to 3.5 million acres.
- Dramatically improved speed of creating and editing landscapes.
- Dramatically improved speed of creating summary reports.
Patched 15 March 2018
- Add Area of Interest (AOI) acres to reports with AOI: Auto 97th and Compare reports.
- Remove decimal point from landscape totals in reports headers.
- Remove "Weather Station Used" field from the templated map in model run reports.
- Display Area of Interest intersecting with Landscape on reports.
- Changed map so LANDFIRE layers are not displayed by default.
- Adjust report titles to factor in AOI and Landscape acres.
- Avoid auto-zoom after user adds reference layer to the map.
- Changed “Add Reference Data” widget name to “Add Layers”.
- Fixed report PDFs not opening in Adobe.
- Fixed the Compare Report button (on 4th tab of Develop Treatment Alternatives) so that it is disabled if model run not complete.
- Addressed issues with reset code emails to USFS accounts.
Version 3.0.1 - 22 February 2018
- User can download Model Output file.
- Users can download Landscape files from their workspace.
- User sees English units of measure in Map Studio - identify tool, map display and legend (Elevation, Fire Behavior Outputs).
- User selects shapefile for Area of Interest in Develop Treatment Alternatives.
- User sees the shapefile on maps in reports when they use shapefiles as their Area of Interest.
- User view landscape or model output reports that are summarized for a shapefile Area of Interest that the user selected.
- User views landscape edited using a mask from a shapefile.
- User sees polygon shapefiles listed in the Area of Interest drop-down for reports and edit landscape.
- Map zooms to shapefile selected on the right panel of a split-map.
- Adjust bin class labels from metric to English.
- Prevent wrapping of legend entries in Model Summary reports.
- Disallow some special characters when registering a new user ID.
- Detect when a user clicks in the app to refresh the login session.
- Set limit on landscape rule elevation to 20,000 feet max.
- User can display shapefile from workspace as a layer on the map.
- Increase size and brightness of tab buttons in map studio’s Attribute Table.
- User can create a new shapefile on the map by selecting a subset of the polygons listed for an existing shapefile. New shapefile is in workspace and can be viewed on the map.
- Differentiate between user created shapes and uploaded shapefiles with naming and annotations.
- Only allow “.zip” file extensions for download landscape file names.
- Send reset code to user if their privileges have been modified.
- Allow users to clear Area of Interest selection on Landscape Summary page.
- Fixed landscape layer coloring problem with certain fuel models.
- Fix problem with disabled account after user changed password.
- Fixed missing crown fire fraction burned in basic output.
- Fixed “Can’t find raster ID for display” error on map for landscapes.
- Fixed MTBS Burn Severity layer not displaying in production.
- Fix deleting individual sub-reports when compare reports are deleted.
- Fix landscape acres not being displayed in summary report headers.
- Fixed broken IFTDSS help links.
- Fixed deleted model inputs still displaying in some cases until page refresh.
- Fix Admin users being an admin after password reset.
Patched 18 December 2017
- Fixed map studio tools hiding and scrunching on small screens.
- Warn of an impending login session timeout in a browser dialog with option to refresh the session, and log out if user does not refresh before timer ends.
- Fixed new users logging in for first time still can’t create landscapes.
- Fixed issues with deleting model inputs within a landscape family.
- Change “Firenet” text to “IFTDSS” within account emails.
Patched 27-30 November 2017
- New edited landscape not displayed in landscape family list after model has been run in Develop Treatment Alternatives (DTA).
- Landscape mask created on split-screen map not listed in the Edit Landscape mask drop-down.
- Fixed inability to create landscape editing rules on newly created landscape.
- Fixed missing navigation bar for brand new accounts.
- Fixed broken “Create New Landscape” link for new users with no landscapes.
- Added clarity between temporary passcode and password for new users.
- Fixed selected folders not getting removed from the screen when deleted.
- Fixed playground not retaining the selected Finney crown fire method.
- Close new folder dialog after user clicks Submit button.
- Fixed how the canopy bulk density landscape edit rule multiplies.
- Fixed new folder creation by new users at first login.
- Fixed problem with created landscape edit rules not displaying or saving.
- Fixed Create Auto-97th button not displayed in Landscape Summary dialog.
- Clean up display of landscape status while it is being created.
- Fixed model input entry appearing twice in the delete (of parent) list.
- Fixed landscape edit rules being added as applied instead of pending. This was a serious problem when the edited landscape was created.
Patched 9-15 November 2017
- Add text "Login {n} (Max of 3 attempts)" to login panel after first failed attempt.
- Fixed newly created area of interest not displayed immediately in Develop Treatment Alternatives (DTA) drop-down.
- Add user name to account reset/unlock emails.
- Fixed wind direction not displayed when equal to zero on completed model runs.
- Fixed repeated notices about password reset.
- Fixed unreadable security question in password reset email.
- Fixed broken help link in Upload Shapefile widget in Map Studio.
- Enhanced popover help and tours of the help links on a page for Fire Behavior and Landscape Edit interfaces.
- Fixed reversal of herbaceous and woody fuel moistures in auto-97th basic runs.
Patched 8 August 2017
- Change title of 2nd landscape editing panel header from “Landscape Editing Rules” to “User Created Rules” on both landscape editing pages.
- Fixed the "Compare in Summary Report" button above the list on the last tab of Develop Treatment Alternatives. It was not working.
- Removed Area of Interest selection from playground.
- Fixed problem saving model inputs with wind direction or speed equal to 0.
- Fixed problem with Auto97th reports not showing model inputs.
- Added the ability to delete empty folders from the IFTDSS workspace.
- Fixed a problem with filtering polygons.
- Fixed problem with creating a model run in Develop Treatment Alternatives (DTA) when one with same name exists in the playground.
- Give users 72 hours to use temporary password after account is unlocked.
Patched 12 July 2017
- User applies area of interest polygon to LCP comparison reports.
- Fixed the 'learn more' button on workspace page not working - 404 error.
- Fix the wildfire list shown on different pages after adding wildfire name search.
- Fix bugs on Compare Reports.
Patched 7 July 2017
- IFTDSS Reports implemented with HighCharts and new look and feel.
- Fixed problem creating Auto97th and Landscape Reports.
- Audit log for a user can be downloaded as a CSV file.
- Fix for when “Name Edited Landscape” input field stays pink after “Save New Landscape” button is selected on the Edit Landscape page.
Patched 9 June 2017
- Fixed problem where user couldn’t set landscape values to zero in an Edit Landscape rule.
- Fixed problem where new rules are created as applied to a new landscape, and not the landscape the user is editing, if the user just created a new edited landscape.
- Fixed problem if Edit Landscape is run for the first time in a new month before Create Landscape. The Edit Landscape was dependent on Create Landscape to create new month folders (‘5’ for May, for example) and could not create new month folders itself.
- Nightly job deployed to expire users’ passwords based on password expiration rules.
- Fixed failed runs in Playground.
- Allow user to change their password when they attempt to log in with an expired password.
- Fixed incorrect AK landscape not available message in Map Studio.
- Fixed problem where new folder not created - caused by change to prevent duplicate folders.
Patched May 2017
- Auto97th report for full landscape, AOI creates two Auto97th FlamMap runs.
- Prevent duplicate resource names for runs and folders.
- Fixed issue with edited landscapes NoData values (elevation exported map).
- Fixed switched names for some of the LFLU rules.
- Added extensive form validation to Edit Landscape.
- Utility to lock and disable user accounts.
- Expose LANDFIRE 2014 data in Map Studio for create landscape.
- Fixed delete of runs not working in Playground.
- Handle special characters in user info.
IFTDSS 3.0.0 - Initial Release April 2017
Landscape Evaluation
Landscape Summary
- Create a Landscape (LANDFIRE 2012) and view in map studio (ArcGIS Online based)
- Generate a Landscape Summary report (summary of 8 LCP layers – aspect, Canopy Base Height, Canopy Bulk Density, Canopy Cover, Elevation, Fuel Model, slope, Stand Height)
- Draw or upload a shapefile to outline an area of interest
- Generate landscape summary report for area of interest (same as above)
- AutoGenerate 97th percentile weather fire behavior run and include in summary report (Flame Length, Spread Rate, Fireline Intensity, Heat per Unit Area, Crown Fire Activity)
Landscape Edit
- Edit Landscape (change fuel models for entire landscape or using a mask or a separate area) using manual rules or predetermined rules based on LANDFIRE Lookup tables of disturbance (Help content to come)
Landscape Fire Behavior
- Run Landscape fire behavior (essentially Basic FlamMap 5.0 - fire behavior outputs per pixel) NO spread models yet (MTT etc) Displays in Map Studio
Strategic Planning
- Determine how different fuels treatments and their spatial arrangement affect landscape characteristics and fire behavior. Generate maps and reports to compare landscapes and fire behavior model outputs. Use these outcomes/outputs to determine the best fuels management strategy to meet your project objectives
- Select an originating landscape, edit your landscape as needed either manually or utilizing the LANDFIRE lookup rules. Save new edited landscape
- Enter Fire Behavior Model Inputs
- Run Fire Behavior on selected Landscapes
- Compare landscape changes and fire behavior model output differences