Setting Up an IFTDSS Account
To create a new account, start from the IFTDSS Login prompt:
Important! You must have a or eAuthentication account to access IFTDSS. Please ensure you have one or create one before carrying out the steps on this page.
Government: Anyone using a BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, USDA/Forest Service email should have, or create, an eAuthentication account.
Public Partner: Anyone not using a BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, USDA/Forest Service email should have, or create, a account.
Navigate to IFTDSS website:
Click Login in the top right corner to be redirected to .
Select "Public Partner” or “Government.”
Government: For any account associated with a BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, USDA/Forest Service email. This option redirects you to eAuthentication.
Public Partner: For any account not associated with a BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, USDA/Forest Service email. This option redirects you to
Enter the appropriate credentials to login to either or eAuthentication to be redirected to IFTDSS.
Once successfully redirected to IFTDSS, you'll see a page prompting you enter the required information to set up your account. Enter the required information to create your account.
Tip: Note: User Name is displayed on many exportable IFTDSS reports, so pick one you don't mind sharing!
Once your information has been entered, click "Create Account".
You will be directed to read the Rules of Behavior and click I Accept Rules of Behavior.
Once the Rules of Behavior have been agreed to, you will be redirected to the IFTDSS home page and you can start using IFTDSS.