Download an FTEM Geodatabase and Join to Other Data

FTEM Administrators and Agency Administrators may download a Relational Database Backup and Geospatial Database Backup of FTEM monitoring data. The Geospatial Database Backup is an export of the key feature classes and associated tables in FTEM.

To download a Geodatabase backup:

  1. From any FTEM page, navigate to your profile in the top right and select System Admin.

    System admin is shown in the drop-down menu of the profile.

  2. Click the labeled Download File

    the geodatabase button.

Joining Data

Once you've downloaded the geodatabase, you may join stand-alone attribute tables to feature class tables in an ArcMap mxd. The steps below describe this in ArcMap version 10.6.1:

  1. Unzip the geodatabase file.
  2. In your ArcMap .mxd, add a feature class.
  3. Right click the feature class and select Joins and Relates, then click on Join.

    Joins and Relates menu with Join option in Arcmap 10.6.1

  4. In the Join window that opens, choose the (1) layer field, (2) desired table from ftemgeodb.gdb, and (3) table field to join records to, then click OK.

    Join Data dialogue box in ArcMap.

For an example output of this process, we have included a zipped folder containing a .mxd, a version of these instructions, and the following .lyr files:

  • Treatment_Point joined to treatment table via ftem_treatment_id.lyr
  • Treatment_Poly joined to treatment table via ftem_treatment_id.lyr
  • Wildfire_Point joined to wildfire table via ftem_wildfire_id.lyr
  • Wildfire_Poly joined to wildfire table via ftem_wildfire_id.lyr

Example compatible with Arc Version 10.6.1 or later (zipfile)

Example compatible with Arc Version 10.4 or later (zipfile)