Remove Treatments

Important! The Treatment list for a fire is shared by all agency personnel monitoring the fire, you may need to collaborate with monitors from adjacent units to make sure you do not remove treatments others will need to monitor.

What "Remove a Treatment" Does

  • Removing treatments does not delete them from FTEM, it simply removes the treatments from the interaction list for that specific fire.

  • Treatments you remove in this manner will remain removed from that fire, even as the fire perimeter grows and other treatments are auto-populated for that fire.

  • Treatments may be added back to a fire by using the Add Treatments button.

How to Remove a Treatment

If you know a treatment listed for a given wildfire did not interact with that fire you may remove it:

  1. Select the treatment(s) using the checkbox next to that treatment.

    A list of treatments with two treatments showing checkmarks in the boxes next to their names. This selects those treatments for removal.

  2. Click the Remove Treatments button in the top of the Treatments tab.

    use the remove treatments button to remove selected treatments

  3. A dialogue box appears asking if you really want to remove the selected treatment(s), click Remove Treatments to proceed.

    A dialogue box listing the fire name and treatment names and asking the user if they really want to remove the listed treatments from the listed fire.

  4. A confirmation box appears to confirm the removal.

    A green banner at the bottom of the box confirms the treatments have been removed.