FTEM Symbology for Wildfires

The FTEM mapping features consist of either points, or polygons. These are color coded to indicate the status of the treatment documentation in FTEM as either completed, in-progress, or not started. Similar symbology is also used when viewing FTEM data as a list. Below we list each of the symbols used in FTEM:

Map Symbols

Wildfire Points

wildfire point completed Monitoring Completed: All interacting treatments for the land management agency have been completed for the fire. The monitoring will be available in report queries from FTEM reporting.

wildfire point in progress Monitoring In Progress: Some interacting treatments for the land management agency have been completed for the fire. "Monitoring in Progress will show up for a wildfire until all the required fields are monitored for each intersecting treatment AND the fire is completed in the Complete tab.

wildfire point not started Check for Interactions: The system has auto-detected potential interactions for the fire based on buffering rules for fires. These potential interactions need to be verified in the Treatments tab and monitored, added, or removed.

wildfire point non detected No Interactions Detected: The System did not auto-detect any interactions. These can still be monitored if needed. If you suspect interactions should be showing, select the wildfire, go to the Treatments tab and use the Add Treatments button. If your fuels treatments are still not present, ensure they are in your Agency's system of record and contact your Agency Lead to inquire why they have not been loaded into FTEM.

Wildfire Polygons

wildfire polygon treatment complete Monitoring Completed: All interacting treatments for the land management agency have been completed for the fire. The monitoring will be available in report queries from FTEM reporting.

wildfire poly treatment in progress Monitoring In Progress: Some interacting treatments for the land management agency have been completed for the fire. "Monitoring in Progress will show up for a wildfire until all the required fields are monitored for each intersecting treatment AND the fire is completed in the Complete tab.

wildfire poly not started Check for Interactions: The system has auto-detected potential interactions for the fire based on buffering rules for fires. These potential interactions need to be verified in the Treatments tab and monitored, added, or removed.

wildfire poly no interaction detected No Interactions Detected: The system has auto-detected potential interactions for the fire based on buffering rules for fires. These potential interactions need to be verified in the Treatments tab and monitored, added, or removed.