Identify widget in Map Studio

The Identify identify widget is used to quickly reveal the information of any layer in the Layer List of Map Studio. To identify a point in Map Studio: 

  1. Click Identify in the top right of Map Studio.

    the identify tool is located in the top right of map studio

  2. (Optional) Select a specific layer. If left unselected, information for all layers will be presented.
  3. Single left click on your point of interest.
  4. Identify results will be displayed in the Identify box. To identify new information, click Clear, in the top right of the Identify box, and click elsewhere on the map.

    use the identify tool to identify points in map studio

    Tip: You can use the Remove remove button, to the right of the Identify results, to remove a result from your list of identified features.

    Clicking on the red x will remove those results from the identify list.

    The Information information icon on the left of the Identify results produces hover text informing you that double clicking on the Identify results will zoom the map to your pixel of interest. Double click on the text within Identify, not the icon itself.

    the information icon provides tips on using Identify