Working with Folders

You may organize your workspace by creating or deleting folders for your project files. Below we've outlined the steps for:

Creating Folders

  1. Create a folder by clicking the Create Folder button at the top of the My Workspace page.

    The option to creat a folder is located at the top of the Workspace page

  2. Give your folder a name and click Submit.

    The 'create work folder' dialogue box contains a text field to name your folder, and buttons to submit or cancel

  3. Your new folder will now be visible in the Folders list.

    Folders are visible on the left side of the screen in the 'Folders' list

Deleting Folders

Important! Folders can only be deleted if it is empty. To delete a folder with contents, delete the contents first, then delete the folder.

  1. To delete a folder in My Workspace, hover over the folder name in the left panel. A delete Delete icon will appear to the right of the folder name.
  2. Click the delete Delete icon.

    delete a folder by clicking the red x next to its name

  3. You will be asked to confirm your deletion, click "Yes."

Moving Files to Another Folder

  1. To move a file from one folder to another, click the file you want to move.

  2. Right click on the file or click More Options More Options, then select Move to from the drop-down menu.

    "More Option" button will be visible under a file when then file is clicked on.

  3. The "Move to" box will open, displaying the file(s) to move. Ensure the checkbox is filled next to the file(s) you want to move, or use the Select All button to move every file on the list.

    Tip: You may see a list of multiple files in additional to the one you originally selected. This list includes all files directly related to the file selected.

    A list of available files to move, a checkbox is located to the left of each file so you may select more than one file to move.

  4. Select the folder you need to move the file(s) to, and click Move Selected File(s).

    A drop-down box containing the folder that the new file will be moved to.

  5. You will be prompted to verify your selection, click Move File(s).

    Click "Move File(s)" to verify you wish to move the file(s).

  6. Your file will be moved to the new folder, and a confirmation message will appear at the bottom of My Workspace to verify your files have been moved. It may take a few seconds for this to become visible.

    A message is visible at the top of the screen to verify the file has been moved.

Renaming Folders

  1. To rename a folder in My Workspace, hover over the folder in the left panel. An edit Edit icon will appear to the right of the folder name.

  2. Click the edit Edit icon.

    Hover over a folder name will display the "edit" and "delete" buttons to the right.

  3. Type the new name of the folder in the Rename Folder box that appears and click Submit in the lower right of the box.

    Type the new name in the "Folder Name' field and click "Rename" in the lower right.

  4. A confirmation box will appear in the bottom right and the newly renamed folder is now visible in the Folders list.

    Renamed folders are displayed in the left-hand list.