Landscape Features in IFTDSS

Data contained in IFTDSS LCP files:

Band number, name, and units for IFTDSS landscapes.
Band # Band Name Units - GeoTIFF Units - IFTDSS (Report)
1 Elevation meters feet
2 Slope degrees degrees
3 Aspect degrees degrees
4 Fuel Model categorical categorical
5 Canopy Cover % %
6 Stand Height meters * 10 meters
7 Canopy Base Height meters * 10 meters
8 Canopy Bulk Density kg/m3 * 100 kg/m3
9 EVT (Existing Vegetation Type) categorical A N/A
10 EVC (Existing Vegetation Cover) categorical A N/A
11 EVH (Existing Vegetation Height) categorical A N/A
12 Zone (LANDFIRE Map Zone) categorical N/A

A EVT, EVC, and EVH GeoTIFF units are continuous for LANDFIRE 2016 Remap data.