Landscapes for LBP
Note: When choosing a landscape for LBP, only those landscapes with a buffer and unaltered resolution are available from the drop-down menu. (Landscapes with the suffix “NB” or “Xm” will not run with LBP).
Choosing A Landscape Extent
Choose a Landscape size that includes the entire area for which you may want to compare the results of a single analysis. In most cases this would be a project area boundary but in some cases could be larger to encompass an entire ownership area (district or park).
Outputs are uniquely scaled for each analysis or Area of Interest
The most important thing to remember when using burn probability outputs is that they are relative within the landscape or area of interest. Outputs must be viewed within the context of the landscape they are generated in. For example, a red pixel in one analysis still may be a much lower burn probability than a yellow or blue pixel in another analysis with a different landscape, different weather, or different fuel moisture inputs. You cannot compare two landscapes that have had burn probably run on them individually, each case is unique.
Important! Burn Probability outputs cannot be compared between landscapes. The model outputs are scaled to show relative distribution within each specific analysis landscape.