Landscape Burn Probability Inputs

User inputs required to run Landscape Burn Probability (LBP) are outlined in the table below. For more detailed information, click on the links within the table.

Input units and descriptions.
Inputs Units Brief Description
Wind Type Unitless Choose between gridded, static, uphill or downhill. See Wind Options for more detail.
20-ft Wind Speed Miles per hour Wind velocity measured 20 feet (6 m) above the top of the tree or shrub canopy, or above the ground if canopy is absent.
Wind Direction Degrees Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing, specified in degrees increasing clockwise from north (which is zero degrees).
Crown Fire Inputs
Crown Fire Method Unitless Select one of two methods of calculating crown fire potential. See Crown Fire Calculation Options for more detail.
Foliar Moisture Content Percentage Moisture content of the crown foliage. The mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle's oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
  Initial Fuel Moisture
1-hr Fuel Moisture Percentage Moisture content of 1-hour fuel (dead woody fuel >0 to ¼ inch or 0 to 6.4 mm in diameter) is the mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle’s oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
10-hr Fuel Moisture Percentage Moisture content of 10-hour fuel (dead woody fuel >¼ to 1 inch or 0.6 to 2.5 cm in diameter) is the mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle’s oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
100-hr Fuel Moisture Percentage Moisture content of 100-hour fuel (dead woody fuel >1 to 3 inches or 2.5 to 7.6 cm in diameter) is the mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle’s oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
Live Herbaceous Fuel Moisture Percentage Moisture content of live herbaceous fuel is the mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle’s oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
Live Woody Fuel Moisture Percentage Moisture content of live woody fuel is the mass of water within the fuel particle expressed as a percentage of the fuel particle’s oven-dry mass. See Initial and Foliar Moisture for more detail.
Fuel Moisture Conditioning
Conditioning Type Unitless Choose between initial, classified, or uploaded. See Fuel Moisture Conditioning for more detail.
Simulation Time
Burn Period Length Hours The duration of worst case fire growth for each fire simulated. See Simulation Time for more detail.
Spotting Probability Percentage The percentage of cells that launch embers when crown fire (passive or active) is initiated. See Spotting Details for more detail.


In addition to the inputs outlined in the table above, there are two inputs that are set by IFTDSS (Users cannot adjust these):

1) The resolution at which the model is run (which determines the resolution of the outputs). See Run Resolution for more detail.

2) The number of random ignitions modeled. See Number of Fires Simulated for more detail.

These automations exist to optimize model performance in generating the best modeled outputs possible based the time while accounting for the computation intensive nature of this model.