Generate an Automatic 97th Percentile Landscape Fire Behavior (Auto97th) Report

Important! Always review the Auto97th-generated fire weather parameters and fire behavior outputs to ensure they are representative of problem fire/worst-case conditions for your area.

Important! Auto-97th RAWS data is not available for Hawaii.

Automatic 97th Percentile Landscape Fire Behavior (Auto97th) Report outline landscape features and predicted worst-case fire behavior (97th percentile fuel moisture and wind). These high level landscape summaries are intended as a starting point for evaluating your area as part of the fuels management planning process.

Below, we discuss creating summary reports from the Landscape Planning Cycle in IFTDSS. There is also a button that appears under selected landscapes in My Workspace labeled "Request a Report." That button only generates a summary of landscape features, not the additional Auto97th Report that we discuss here from the Landscape Planning Cycle.