Editing Landscape Data for Landscape Evaluation
Important! Default Fuels Treatment / Disturbance Edit Rules are ONLY available for LANDFIRE 2012 and 2014 landscapes within the contiguous United States. Versions for more recent landscapes are under development.
User Created Edit Rules can be applied to any landscape.
Landscape Editing can be accessed from the Landscape Evaluation or Implementation stages of the Planning Cycle under Landscape Edit, or within the Strategic Planning stage under Develop Treatment Alternatives. In editing sessions accessed from the Develop Treatment Alternatives, only landscapes matching the extent of the originating landscapes may be selected. Editing sessions accessed outside of Develop Treatment Alternatives have no such restrictions.
Below is an image of the editing interface. View a map of your area while editing by clicking the globe icon at the top left of the page. Rules you select will display at the top of the interface, in the order you select them.
There are two methods available for making landscapes edits, we'll look at each one below:
The edited landscape is stored in the same folder in IFTDSS as the landscape it was derived from. Landscape edits may take a few minutes to process. Once edits are complete, the edited landscape will be available in drop-down menus throughout IFTDSS where-ever a landscape input is required.
Important! A maximum of five Landscape editing requests may be submitted at any given time. If you see a pop-up notifying you that this number has been exceeded, complete your task when one of the other requests has completed.