Change a User's Agency

You may be contacted by the Support Desk to change a User's agency. This typically occurs when a User leaves their job at one agency and takes a job at another.

The process to change an FTEM User's agency is the same as changing their role.

  1. From any page in FTEM, click your name in the top right.
  2. Select the User List from the drop-down list.

    Administrators can access the user list from their account menu in the top right.

  3. In the User List, click the row containing the requester's User name.

    Important! Make sure they have updated their email to reflect their new agency. If this has not yet been done, prompt the user to do so, instructions for the user are located in the Account Profile topic.

  4. Click the Grant Agency Roles button. This brings up a table where you can select different roles for various agencies.

    Click the row containing the user name to access their roles

  5. Use the checkboxes to grant the appropriate agency and role for a User.

    Important! If a user has left your agency and no longer needs an Editor role, uncheck the Editor role for your agency and do not assign them a Viewer role. Giving a user a Viewer role for one agency when they have an Editor role for another agency will put restrictions on that user for all agencies they are affiliated with. This issue is caused by a bug and will be correct in later versions of FTEM.

  6. When complete, click the Grant Roles button.

    Available rows will be displayed as a table with checkboxes.

  7. The user is automatically sent an email to inform them of the change.