Reference Layers

Reference layers are available in Map Studio using the Add Layers widget add layers. Current reference layers in IFTDSS include:

Disturbance History

Disturbance History - Historic Fuels Treatments

Disturbance History - Historic Wildfire Perimeters

Infrastructure - Facilities

Infrastructure - Communication

Infrastructure - Energy

Designated Areas

Designated Areas - BLM

Designated Areas - Potential Wilderness

Special Designated Areas


Boundaries - Federal Admin Areas

Natural & Cultural Resources

Natural & Cultural Resources - Air Quality

Natural & Cultural Resources - Roads and Trails

Fire Environment and Safety

Unit Fire Planning

Weather and Climate

National HVRA Data*

Other Layers

FTEM Treatment Points (Available only in the FTEM interface)

FTEM Treatment Polys (Available only in the FTEM interface)

*Alaska omission: Air Quality, Ecosystem Function, and Infrastructure HVRA Sets are unavailable for the state of Alaska.