Reference Layers

Important! IFTDSS Reference Data are dynamic and are updated over time. HVRA National Datasets remain static, circa 2020, but these may be discontinued in the future due to age.

Reference layers are available in Map Studio using the Add Layers widget add layers. Current reference layers in IFTDSS include:

Disturbance History

Disturbance History - Historic Fuels Treatments

Disturbance History - Historic Wildfire Perimeters

Infrastructure - Facilities

Infrastructure - Communication

Infrastructure - Energy

Designated Areas

Designated Areas - BLM

Designated Areas - Potential Wilderness

Special Designated Areas


Boundaries - Federal Admin Areas

Natural & Cultural Resources

Natural & Cultural Resources - Air Quality

Natural & Cultural Resources - Roads and Trails

Fire Environment and Safety

Unit Fire Planning

Weather and Climate

National HVRA Data*

Other Layers

FTEM Treatment Points (Available only in the FTEM interface)

FTEM Treatment Polys (Available only in the FTEM interface)

*Alaska omission: Air Quality, Ecosystem Function, and Infrastructure HVRA Sets are unavailable for the state of Alaska.