Exposure Analysis GeoTIFFs from IFTDSS
The GeoTiff Exposure Analysis output file includes at least four bands, depending on how many Sub-HVRAs you used in the analysis. These are detailed in the table below:
Band # | Output | Brief Description | Map Studio Units | Report Units | Download Units |
1 | Burn Probability A B | The likelihood that a fire will burn a given point on the landscape (expressed as a value between 0 and 1). See Burn Probability for more detail. | proportion | proportion | proportion |
2 | Conditional Flame Length A B | The mean flame length of all the fires that burn a given point on the landscape. See Conditional Flame Length for more detail. | feet | feet | feet |
3 | Integrated Hazard A B | The combination of Burn Probability and Conditional Flame Length ranging from lowest probability/lowest conditional flame lengths to highest probability/highest conditional flame lengths. See Integrated Hazard for more detail. | unitless | unitless | unitless |
4 | Sub-HVRA 1 | Rasterized version of Sub-HVRA, where the band name is <Primary HVRA Category>-<Sub-HVRA Short Name>. Where the Sub-HVRA is present the value is 1, where it is absent the values is NoData. See Exposure Analysis Technical Documentation for more detail. | unitless | unitless | unitless |
n | Sub-HVRA n... | Each subsequent Sub-HVRA you use in the analysis will have its own band, there can be up to 100 Sub-HVRAs total within a GeoTIFF. | unitless | unitless | unitless |
A Non-burnable pixels are indicated with a value of -1.
B Burnable, but not burned pixels, are indicated with a value of 0.
Important! There can be a maximum of 100 Sub-HVRAs within a GeoTiff.