Midflame Wind Speed

Midflame Wind Speed is viewable in Map Studio (image below) and available in the download package. Midflame wind speed is calculated by applying a wind adjustment factor to the 20 ft wind speed entered in the inputs form of a model run. The wind adjustment factor for each pixel is calculated from stand height and canopy cover in the landscape file.

landscape shown in map studio with much of the landscape shown in shades of yellow, corresponding to midflame wind speed classes of  4-8 mph and less.

In Map Studio the midflame wind speed is classified based on a modified Beaufort Scale (table below). In the GeoTIFF (downloadable from IFTDSS), the data is continuous. In both instances, pixels with non-burnable fuel models have a value of 0.

Modified Beaufort Scale (visual surface (20ft) wind estimate) used in IFTDSS to classify midflame wind speed in Map Studio.
Wind Speed (mph) Description Specifications
<2 Extremely Light Smoke rises nearly vertically. Very little movement of vegetation.
>2-4 Very Light Smoke rises nearly vertically. Leaves of quaking aspen in constant motion; small branches of bushes sway; slender branchlets and twigs of trees move gently; tall grasses and weeds sway and bend with wind; wind barely moves.
>4-8 Light Trees of pole size in the open sway gently; wind felt distinctly on the face; loose scraps of paper move; wind flutters small flag.
>8-13 Gentle Breeze Trees of pole size in the open sway very noticeably; large branches of pole sized trees in the open toss; tops of trees in dense stands sway; wind extends small flag; a few crested waves form on lakes.
>13-19 Moderate Breeze Trees of pole size in the open sway violently; whole trees in dense stands sway noticeably; dust is raised in the road.
>19-25 Fresh Branchlets are broken from trees; inconvenience is felt in walking against wind.
>25-32 Strong Tree damage increases with occasional breaking of exposed tops and branches; progress impeded when walking against wind; light structural damage.
>32-39 Moderate Gale Severe damage to tree tops; very difficult to walk into wind; significant structural damage occurs.
>39 Fresh Gale Surfaces string Santa Ana; intense stress on all exposed objects, vegetation, buildings; canopy offers virtually no protection; wind flow is systematic in disturbing everything in its path.

If you are interested in the exact midflame wind speed value of a point on the map, the Identify widget Identify widget can be used in Map Studio.

'identify' box showing the data for a selected pixel, including the exact midflame wind speed for that pixel.