MTT Arrival Time - Minimum Travel Time Fire Spread (MTT) Output

MTT Arrival Time displays the time required for fire to travel from its ignition source to a particular point on the landscape. Minimum Travel Time Fire Spread (MTT) arrival time is presented via two methods:

  • MTT Arrival Time Grid: Each cell on the landscape displays the time elapsed (in minutes) between fire traveling from the ignition source to that cell. In Map Studio, arrival time is binned into burn periods based on the number of burn periods specified on the model inputs page.

  • MTT Arrival Time Contour: Represented as a series of contour lines. Contour lines are binned into burn periods based on the inputs specified when running the model.

Arrival time binned into three burn periods.

Viewing Arrival Time in Layer List will display arrival time binned or classified by burn period. To see arrival time in hours for any cell, use the Identify widget Identify widget.