Generate an Automatic 97th Percentile Landscape Fire Behavior (Auto97th) Report

Important! Always review the Auto97th-generated fire weather parameters and fire behavior outputs to ensure they are representative of problem fire/worst-case conditions for your area.

Important! Auto-97th RAWS data is only currently available for the contiguous United States and Alaska with weather data up to 2016.

Automatic 97th Percentile Landscape Fire Behavior (Auto97th) Report outline landscape features and predicted worst-case fire behavior (97th percentile fuel moisture and wind). These high level landscape summaries are intended as a starting point for evaluating your area as part of the fuels management planning process.

Below, we discuss creating summary reports from the Landscape Planning Cycle in IFTDSS. There is also a button that appears under selected landscapes in My Workspace labeled "Request a Report." That button only generates a summary of landscape features, not the additional Auto97th Report that we discuss here from the Landscape Planning Cycle.