Batch Monitoring Spreadsheet Errors and Validation

The system automatically scans batch monitoring spreadsheets for issues at the time you upload the spreadsheet and provides feedback. The upload confirmation dialog box will contain either red or yellow shaded messaging. Red shading indicates an upload failure. Yellow shading indicates successful upload of some or all of the treatment interaction monitoring data followed by feedback.

This topic addresses:

Terms used in FTEM Upload Messaging:

You will see the terms “Valid treatment”, “Updated”, “Removed”, and “Replace” used in upload messages. Specific definitions for these are as follows:

  • Valid Treatment: A treatment where the Fire ID and the Treatment ID combination in a given row match the original fire ID and Treatment ID at the time of download.

  • Updated: At least one cell value for a given treatment was populated and the upload persisted the new value in the FTEM database.

  • Removed: Removed from the interacting treatment list in FTEM for a specific wildfire indicating no interaction between the wildfire and the treatment took place (not removed from FTEM system database or system of record database)

  • Replace or Overwrite: Replace in FTEM application. Column R allows users to choose to replace existing data already in the FTEM application; however, blanks in the uploaded spreadsheet will never replace values in the system (thereby allowing users to upload partially populated spreadsheets without blanking out existing application data.

Troubleshooting Upload Failure Errors

Formatting errors prevent the entire spreadsheet form uploading and are indicated by a red error message such as the ones in the drop-downs below. The last sentence notes the specific error. Use the drop-down below to learn about specific errors:

Successful upload of some or all of the treatment data

Upon uploading the spreadsheet you see information summarizing the number of treatments valid treatments and the number of treatments successfully updated.

Tip: Treatments are listed as "updated" if one cell or more in the treatment row have been updated.

Successful upload of some or all of the treatment data triggers a yellow message box:

  • The first box in the message will indicate the total number of treatments updated and list the total number of valid treatments in the uploaded spreadsheet. Treatments removed will also be tallied here.

  • Subsequent yellow boxes will describe any errors and indicate sources of error by row. Multiple errors may be listed. The errors may list both invalid treatments (rows ignored) or invalid cell values (cell value ignored).

  • If sufficient data has been uploaded to complete the wildfire monitoring (all required monitoring fields are populated for all valid interactions), you will be prompted to complete the wildfire monitoring and its status in FTEM will be "Complete.”

Example of All Treatments Uploaded, No Errors

Examples of Some Treatments Uploaded, No Errors

Examples of Some Treatments Uploaded, With Errors

While it is not possible to cover every possible combination of messages here, examples of the most common are covered.

Some example errors include:

The most common errors in uploading are failures at the treatment (row) level due to mismatched identification numbers (IDs). All IDs are valid at the time of the spreadsheet download so these errors occur if those IDs are edited after download. An individual treatment/row will fail to upload if the following errors are made:

  • Fire IDs (FTEM Wildfire ID) that don’t match with any IDs in the FTEM database.

  • Treatment IDs (FTEM Treatment ID) that don’t match with any IDs in the FTEM database.

  • Fire and Treatment combination does not match in the FTEM database.

Other errors are associated with invalid spreadsheet data entries. Most of these are caught at the spreadsheet editing level but those that are not can cause treatment upload failure. These include:

  • Invalid Treatment ID

  • Columns Q or R not populated

  • Invalid Interaction Date

  • Invalid Military Time format

See the FTEM Batch Spreadsheet topic to find details about entering data into the spreadsheet.