Landscape (LCP) GeoTIFF
Landscape data and Landscape Fire Behavior model outputs can be downloaded as a Geo Tiff (.tif) raster dataset for use in other applications such as ArcMap. The GeoTIFF landscape file download includes 12 bands. There are 4 in addition to the 8 that are visible within the IFTDSS application. The downloads also have different units than IFTDSS presents.
Band # | Band Name | Map Studio Units | Report Units | Download Units |
1 | Elevation | feet | feet | meters |
2 | Slope | degrees | degrees | degrees |
3 | Aspect | degrees | degrees | degrees |
4 | Fuel Model | categorical | categorical | categorical |
5 | Canopy Cover | % | % | % |
6 | Stand Height | meters | meters | meters * 10 |
7 | Canopy Base Height | meters | meters | meters * 10 |
8 | Canopy Bulk Density | kg/m3 | kg/m3 | kg/m3 * 100 |
9 | EVT (Existing Vegetation Type) | N/A | N/A | categorical A |
10 | EVC (Existing Vegetation Cover) | N/A | N/A | categorical A |
11 | EVH (Existing Vegetation Height) | N/A | N/A | categorical A |
12 | Zone (LANDFIRE Map Zone) | N/A | N/A | categorical |
A EVT, EVC, and EVH GeoTIFF units are continuous for LANDFIRE 2016 Remap data.
- For instructions on how to reclass outputs such as flame length in ArcMap, see Reclassing GeoTIFF Features in ArcMap.
- For instructions on using the exported layers in FlamMap, see Loading GeoTIFF Files into FlamMap 5.0.