Download Packages in IFTDSS

Tip: IFTDSS download packages with symobology include two options:

  • Symbology_ArcMap: Lyr files for use with ArcMap.

  • Symbology_ArcPro: Lyrx files for use with ArcGIS Pro.

In IFTDSS, you may down data packages of your landscapes and model outputs for use in other applications. Download packages may be downloaded from My Workspace and are listed below:

Exposure Analysis (EA) download package

Files contained in the Exposure Analysis download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <Exposure Analysis Name>.tif EA outputs in raster format for use in ArcMap. See the Exposure Analysis GeoTIFF topic for more detail.
Table of HVRAs .csv <Exposure Analysis Name>.csv A table listing the Primary HVRA Categories, the Sub-HVRA names, and the Sub-HVRA short names.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <output type>.lyr Symbology files for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS. See the Symbology Layer topic for Landscape Burn Probability for more details.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <output type>.lyrx Symbology files for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS. See the Symbology Layer topic for Landscape Burn Probability for more details.

Landscape File (LCP) download package

Files contained in the LCP download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <Run Name>.tif Raster format for use in ArcMap.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <output type>.lyr Symbology file for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <output type>.lyrx Symbology file for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS.

Landscape Burn Probability (LBP) download package

Files contained in the LBP download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <Run Name>.tif LBP outputs in raster format for use in ArcMap.
Input File .input <Run Name>_FlamMap6.input LBP inputs for use in FlamMap 6.0. See FlamMap Inputs for more detail.
Fire Size List .txt <Run Name>_FIRESIZELIST.txt Fire size list for use in Excel, NotePad or ArcMap. See Fire Size List for more detail.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <output type>.lyr Symbology file for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <output type>.lyrx Symbology file for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS.
FMSF input file .txt <Run Name>.txt Input file generated when IFTDSS requests model runs from the Fire Modeling Services Framework (FMSF).

Landscape Fire Behavior download package

Files contained in the Landscape Fire Behavior download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <Run Name>.tif Landscape Fire Behavior outputs in raster format for use in ArcMap.
Input File .input <Run Name>_FlamMap6.input Landscape Fire Behavior inputs for use in FlamMap 6.0. See FlamMap Inputs for more detail.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <outputtype>.lyr Symbology file for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <outputtype>.lyrx Symbology file for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS.

Minimum Travel Time Fire Spread (MTT) download package

Files included in the MTT download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <MTT Name>.tif MTT outputs in raster format for use in ArcMap.
Arrival Time contour shapefile .shp <MTT Name>_MTTARRIVALCONTOUR.shp Shapefile displaying each burn period.
Barrier shapefile .shp <MTT Name>_MTTBARRIER.shp Shapefile displaying the barriers used (if any) in the MTT run.
Ember shapefile .shp <MTT Name>_MTTEMBER.shp Shapefile displaying the ember landing locations.
Ignition shapefile .shp <MTT Name>_MTTIGNITION.shp Shapefile displaying the ignitions used in the MTT run.
Major flow path shapefile .shp <MTT Name>_MTTMAJORFLOWPATHS.shp Shapefile displaying the major flow paths for fire spread.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <outputtype>.lyr Symbology file for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <outputtype>.lyrx Symbology file for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS.
FMSF input file .txt <Run Name>.txt Input file generated when IFTDSS requests model runs from the Fire Modeling Services Framework (FMSF).

Note on MTT Outputs: Ember and Flow paths may appear in ArcMap as though they have different projections. This is only a naming discrepancy rather than a projection issue. See the issue in our Known Issues topic for more details.

Quantitative Wildfire Risk Assessment (QWRA) download package

Files included in the QWRA download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Multiband GeoTIFF .tif <QWRA Name>.tif QWRA outputs in raster format for use in ArcMap.
Table of HVRAs .csv <QWRA Name>.csv A table listing the Primary HVRA Categories, Sub-HVRA names, Sub-HVRA short names, Response Functions, Relative Importance, Relative Extent, Relative Importance per Pixel and Overall Importance.
Symbology_ArcMap folder containing .lyr files <outputtype>.lyr Symbology file for setting colors in ArcMap that match those used in IFTDSS.
Symbology_ArcPro folder containing .lyrx files <outputtype>.lyrx Symbology file for setting colors in ArcGIS Pro that match those used in IFTDSS.

Shapes and Shapefiles

Files contained in the Landscape Fire Behavior download package.
Output File Type Naming Brief Description
Shapefile .shp <name>.shp A shapefile copy of a shapefile you're generated in IFTDSS or a shape you've drawn in IFTDSS Map Studio.

See the Downloading Shapes and Shapefiles topic for additional details.